Technical specifications |
Bandwidth | 50MHz |
Channels | 2CH+1EXT |
Real time sampling rate | 500MSa/s |
Equivalent sampling rate | 10GSa/s |
Memory depth | 32k |
Rise time | < 7ns |
Input impedance | 1MO?17pF |
Time base range | 10ns/div-50s/div |
Vertical sensitivity | 2mV-10V/div |
Vertical resolution | 8bit |
Trigger source | CH1, CH2, Ext, Ext/5, AC Line |
Trigger types | Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope, Alternative |
Math Operation | +, -, ×, ÷, FFT |
Digital filter | High pass, Low pass, Band pass, Band Stop |
Max input voltage | ±400V (DC+AC Pk-Pk), CAT 1, CATII |
Internal storage | 2 groups of reference waveform, 20 groups of settings, 10 groups of waveforms |
External storage | Bitmap save, CSV save, Waveform save, Setting save |
Language | English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Arabic |
Interface | LAN, USB Host, USB Device, RS-232, Pass/Fail out |
Display | 7 inches(178mm) color TFT(480*234) LCD |
Power | AC 100-240V, 45Hz-440Hz, 50VA Max |
PC software | Can through the computer remote control oscilloscope, extraction waveform analysis data |
Remark | With original source seamless connection, form signal collection, produce integration system |